
GBM PLedge

At Gold Box Media, we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for our employees. We regularly review our policies and practices to ensure that they align with our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We encourage open communication and provide a platform for employees to share their experiences and provide feedback on how we can improve.

We are dedicated to promoting equality and prohibit any form of discrimination or division. Our company addresses unconscious bias and fosters empathy and understanding of different cultures.

We value the perspectives and experiences of all our employees and strive to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we offer various programs and initiatives, including training programs and leadership opportunities, flexible work arrangements, and accommodations for disabilities.

We understand that everyone has different needs and lifestyles, and we strive to accommodate those needs to the best of our ability.

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 13, 2021

The data collected is owned by Gold Box Media LLC. Any and all contact information - (name, email, phone number, social handles, web address, physical address, or correspondence) is private and maintained within the company.

Information collected is used for business purposes (branding, marketing, weddings, photography, videography, advertisements, logo design, social media marketing, graphic design, or any other categories Gold Box Media LLC may need to perform contracted duties) only and may be used for marketing, analytics, and communication with the client or company entity. Information is not shared outside of Gold Box Media LLC and/or its subsidiaries.

Third-party access to information collected on our website, marketing, events, outreach, or social media platforms is only used for payment processing, marketing, or communication with our clients.

Any client of Gold Box Media LLC or its subsidiaries may request a copy of collected data or ask for information to be deleted or erased at any time by submission in writing.

When this policy changes all parties currently involved/registered with Gold Box Media or its subsidiaries will be notified by email immediately with a copy of the new policy changes.

Payments & fees

Payment Options

  • Due Upon Request - Paid In Full

  • 50/50 Payment - 50% of total invoice fee due immediately to reserve date and confirm services. Remaining 50% due upon completion.

  • 4 Payments - 25% of total invoice fee due immediately to reserve date and confirm services. Remaining amount divided into 3 payments spaced evenly between first payment and job completion date. Entire amount paid in full upon completion.

Late Fees

  • The Client will be given a grace period of 14 days to pay the initial invoice before incurring late fees & penalties.

  • After the 14 day grace period the Client will be charged 10% of the total of the invoice as a late fee which will be added to the invoice balance.

  • Every 7 days after an invoice is late the client will be charged an additional 10% of the invoice balance as a penalty for exceeding the 14 day grace period agreed upon.

  • If the Client accrues penalties to equal 100% of the invoice balance the Client will be removed from the calendar and the job will be cancelled and legal action will be taken.